Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart Signs With Connor Associates for Strategic Marketing Project

Bethesda, Maryland’s Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart is a leader in the world-wide network of Sacred Heart schools, and in all-girls, Catholic independent education across the United States. Serving girls three-months old through high school, its goal to inspire them to “lead and serve, through lives of purpose that integrate faith, intellect, community, social action, and personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.” 

Head of School Catherine Ronan Karrels ‘86 shared the reason for the School’s decision to hire Connor Associates:

“After researching several firms, we were pleased to retain Connor Associates for this important market research. They will help us identify mission-fit families for the near future and project where our best markets will be in 2024. They are confidentially monitoring external perceptions about us that will inform admission, marketing, and communications. And because value is so important, they are conducting an Alumnae Survey to measure satisfaction with the preparation we provided them for college and life. Finally, they will guide us to create a two-three year horizon strategic marketing plan of action steps and ownership based on the recommendations that came from the research, and provide training in everyone’s role in marketing, including teachers and trustees.

“Connor Associates has already proven to be a solid partner in our work to date, particularly focusing on the admission experience to our Lower School.”

A Girls School Known for Social Action

Stone Ridge is known for strong academics and a deep commitment to servant leadership through its nationally-recognized Social Action Program. The School centers on the Five Goals of a Sacred Heart Education focusing on deep respect for intellectual values and a social awareness that drives courage and confidence to make a difference in the world

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First in Remote Learning

Stone Ridge was among the first in the country to manage the sudden shift to virtual and remote learning this past spring.

With impressive foresight and determination Stone Ridge began planning for virtual learning in February 2020 and opened its remote learning platform at a time when other schools around the country were still in planning and operational triage.   

Connor Associates is proud to have Stone Ridge as a client. While we are based in Northern California, our 16 associates and partners span the country. Over the past 22 years we have served the market research, planning, and branding needs for hundreds of private, charter, and independent K-12 schools in the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia. For information on the comprehensive strategic services we offer, please visit us