
Alumni and Past Parent Surveys (Value + Impact)

Your alumni are your walking value proposition and who your prospective families and sending schools will look to for the evidence of value and proof you are worth what you cost. For schools that aspire to create lifetime supporters and ambassadors, this is a mandatory step.

Schools repeatedly tell us they could not achieve the survey results or the subsequent action plans without an unbiased, third-party crafting and hosting the survey for the school.

Connor Associates’ Alumni and Past Parent Surveys are constructed to return both quantitative and qualitative evidence of value as well as capture alumni testimonials. This evidence can be used to communicate your assets and demonstrate how prepared your alumni felt for their next level of education, especially when compared to other institutions that their peers attended. Prospective as well as current families increasingly put their trust in quantitative evidence of return on investment, not just high school or college placement lists or testimonials.

The essential concept is that it is your customers who are vouching for you, not the school making the claims. In 2018, The Jesuit School Network recognized this and made the Connor Associates Alumni Survey available for use by all of its 845-member schools world-wide.