The "Burger Approach" to Seriously Increasing Inquiries, Conversions, and Yield!

How does getting at least 25 new applications with more than 50% enrollment sound?

I will be hosting a “Big Data” session on enrollment and communication lightheartedly entitled “The ‘Burger Approach’ to Seriously Increasing Inquiries, Conversions, and Yield!“ on April 15 at 12pm Pacific for a new event hosted by Mia Johnstone, The School Marketing Summit. April 15 and 16 I will be joined by many other private school marketing leaders who will cover the top-of-mind concerns for those tilling the fields of admission and Marcom.

The Tyranny of Algorithms.

My inbox and yours are full of the latest advice and techniques for what we need to do to attract families into our private schools, mostly centered on inbound and digital marketing. Those of us administering the business and enrollment management of private schools are literally overwhelmed by digital ads and SEO advice as well as the ever-changing algorithms we have to follow to be noticed in an overcrowded and competitive market. I’m concerned that the shifting emphasis on digital alone without adequate market research is going to exponentially raise the possibility of overpromising and underdelivering.

My opinion is that many private schools are focused far too much on these trends and algorithms — to the point of them becoming a frenzied "tyranny of the urgent" rather than giving us the time to focus on what is truly important.

Focus on the Important.

Private school administrators should concentrate on these three things above all:

1. The top bun: Listening obsessively for what people want -- and accounting for that in our hiring, program, messaging, and strategic planning. The mission must meet the market. Objectively listening gives us the advantage to stay ahead of the curve.

2. The burger: Identifying at rooftop level where our ideal prospects are now – those who share and support our values, attitudes, and goals for their children. Where are they now, and where will they be in five years?

3. The bottom bun: Getting everyone at the school “Pulling in the Same Direction” to bring those ideal families into our schools and to serve them all the way through to graduation and beyond. Everyone must own admission, retention, fundraising, and marketing. It’s a popular mainstream concept now, but not when I was doing conference presentations on its importance 20 years ago. Teachers, for example, would always say “it’s not my job!” — yet they always were and remain our most credible marketing assets. Are you still having trouble getting everyone on the same page?

Want to Learn More?

Join me for a “behind the curtain” look at how Connor Associates can help you pay attention to what’s important, with a deep dive into answering the questions, “Where are your ideal families? And where will they be in 2025?” Watch this video preview, then register for free!

Although Connor Associates is based in northern California, our 16 associates and strategic partners span the country. Over the past 22 years we have served the market research, planning, and branding needs for hundreds of private, charter, independent, and international K-12 schools in the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia. If you’re interested in knowing more about Connor Associates and our strategic partners, contact us here.