Aspen Academy Again Selects Connor Associates to Prioritize Its Donors

Expanding on its initial project with us in early 2020 to identify the top 20% of its current donor base, Aspen Academy is going deeper and wider into understanding the philanthropic capacity of their grandparents, newest families, and other constituent groups.

The goal: Create a personalized communication plan and data-supported giving expectations for their annual fund and upcoming capital campaign.

What Can Schools gain?

Like Aspen Academy, by conducting Connor Associates’ Donor Prioritization, the advancement office will have a stronger understanding of their existing and future philanthropic supporters:

1. What other causes do they support?

2. What are they capable of giving to all their philanthropic priorities? Over one year? Over five years?

3. Given their assets, is your cause getting its fair share of support? Are your donors “underperforming,” given their capacity? Are they capable of giving in greater amounts to YOUR cause?

It also encourages important conversation between the school and donors:

4. Where does the school rank among their priorities?

5. What would they need to know or experience from you that would earn their trust and support, or increased support?

Let’s Face It

It can be difficult to address these questions without reliable objective data. How are you currently equipped to answer these questions?

Having this objective intelligence at your fingertips is the easy part! The creativity kicks in when you do the highly-focused homework of increasing your reputational equity and building value with those who are most capable of supporting your cause. You have to earn it, but this makes your job much easier!

Can You Exceed Your Goals?

You may not currently have the bandwidth or budget to identify your top potential donors. That’s why we’re here—to fill the gap. We’ll point you to the right people to nurture, cultivate, and steward.

Think ‘Moneyball.’

We can help identify the top donors you must bring closer to your cause if you want to thrive. You’ll remember “Moneyball,” the Brad Pitt movie about Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane’s attempt to assemble a championship baseball team in the early 2000s, based on computer analysis to pick the most promising players. You can build a winning fundraising team by getting objective data that will help you prioritize your donors, your time, and raise more funds.

What’s Your Vision?

Let’s talk about your dream and what may be standing in the way.

We may be able to give you an assist.

We’re affordable. We’re fast.

You get more than enough support to ensure you can be successful.

Contact us for a relaxed conversation. We’re known for being great listeners!

Connor Associates is proud to have Aspen Academy as a client. While we are based in Northern California, our 16 associates and partners span the country. Over the past 22 years we have served the market research, planning, and branding needs for hundreds of private, charter, and independent K-12 schools in the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia. For information on the comprehensive strategic services we offer, visit us!