
The Board Sphere of
Influence Study

This is about putting to work the collective network of your trustees, past parents, current parents, alumni, and friends in the region to expand your referrers.

The most important first step is to understand your current Board’s skillsets and their collective network among community influencers. Ideally, your Board’s reach should fan out into all sectors of your wider marketplace if your school wants to thrive.

How can you best attract the variety of skills and contacts that your Board needs to move your mission forward and outward? Boards not only need fiscal and governance expertise, but the ambassadorial skills required to help initiate programmatic alliances for real-world education that will strengthen the school—and your students—over time.

Savvy Boards actively promote and advance the school’s mission, programs, and human resources. Even savvier Boards demonstrate that their schools are a community asset. The savviest Boards do all of this intentionally and systematically. They assess, monitor, and manage their sphere of influence as a Board.

Connor Associates will help you identify the critical skillsets and mindsets needed on your Board to safeguard sustainability, successfully support our recommendations, and effectively utilize the total network of the school. We help to reveal those partnerships and alliances that will increase the service learning and supplemental educational experiences of your students and raise awareness of your organization as a community asset.

Schools that will win over the long term must get their wider community into the school and the school on the radar of regional leaders. It’s a win for the school, a win for the community, and a win for your students.

It all starts with our Board’s Sphere of Influence Study, and can be extended to include the network of other constituent groups, such as current and past families.