Bixby School in Boulder, CO Taps Connor Associates for Strategic Research

President Mike Connor is pleased to announce that Bixby School has engaged Connor Associates to gather actionable input from its key constituencies to become apprised of past, present, and prospective families’ evolving social, educational, and economic concerns. When a school proactively self-assesses using a neutral third party, it has an opportunity to better understand its perceived value in the eyes of those it serves and seeks to serve. These studies also reveal the School’s positioning in the community, programmatic priorities, and their corresponding alignment with mission, marketing, and key messaging.

Bixby School considered several outstanding consultants, and ultimately chose Connor Associates for several reasons - their extensive experience and expertise working with independent schools, their data-based approach to providing actionable information about our school. We anticipate the work they are doing to directly inform all critical aspects of our school as we look ahead to the next 50 years.
— Nina Lopez, Head of School at Bixby School (CO)

Supporting students and families for nearly 50 years.

With a current enrollment of 100 students in Preschool-5th grade, Bixby has been celebrating and supporting students and families for almost 50 years.

A Strong Community.

Bixby is truly a special community. Founded in 1970, Bixby School’s design provides students with opportunities for healthy risk-taking and responsibility for choices, feeds children’s natural curiosity and intrinsic joy of learning, and cultivates critical thinking skills and mastery of concepts.


Bixby’s shared values are respect, responsibility, and empathy. Our core belief is that “committed, well-qualified teachers are fundamental to the success of our school.” Bixby is and has always been a place distinguished by its faculty, each of whom is an expert in their field and passionate about teaching children.

Connor Associates is proud to have Bixby School (CO) as a client. Although Connor Associates is based in northern California, our 16 associates and strategic partners span the country. Over the past 22 years we have served the market research, planning, and branding needs for hundreds of private, charter, independent, and international K-12 schools in the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia. If you’re interested in knowing more about Connor Associates and our strategic partners, contact us here.